The King's Tyranny Grows Steadily - ""'s martial law in Washington State."


Rumor has it that Governor Inslee is expected to release his next budget proposal on Thursday, December 17th (he is constitutionally required to submit this by December 20th).  In the coming days, we will provide some good ideas which we do not expect to be included the governor’s proposed July 2021 – June 2023 budget, and some bad ideas which we unfortunately do expect to be in that proposal. 

We’ll start our budget effort off with an easy one: We do not expect the governor to financially assist parents who have taken over the responsibility and financial burden of educating their children. Washington State school districts receive approximately $16,000 per student from federal, state, and local revenue sources, with currently none of that money going directly to families which are now hosting the school in their homes. Many families have had one parent lose wages to educate their student, while others have hired tutors. Some have enrolled their child in private schools.  Nearly all families have made technological improvements and have bought educational supplies.  Because the Washington Education Association does not support this good proposal to provide direct assistance to parents and families because it does not generate any dues money for the WEA, we do not expect Governor Inslee to include it in his budget. (Washington Policy Center)

As predicted, Governor Inslee has continued not to consult with anyone or rely on actual data, and has extended his original four-week restrictions on business activity for an additional three weeks.  The original order was to have ended this weekend, but it has now been extended throughout the holiday season and into next year, to January 4th.  The governor also announced a paltry $50 million in additional state aid to businesses and workers impacted by his orders.  The governor failed to provide any data that showed that the businesses that are being closed and/or severely restricted have caused the recent spike in new COVID-19 cases, which nearly all health experts believe has been caused by private gatherings.  (Seattle Times)

Governor Inslee said that the penalty for businesses which refuse to comply with his orders will be “significant.”  While extending the orders on state businesses for an additional three weeks, the governor proclaimed, “The enforcement mechanisms will be significant. We need to have compliance, and we will act accordingly to move toward that.” Sounds a bit tyrannical, especially since the governor would not have as many businesses unwilling to march to his orders if he instead chose to lead by working with members of the legislature and consulted with local elected officials over decisions which dramatically impact their constituents’ lives.  (MyNorthwest and Q13’s The Divide)

Washington State employers have experienced the country’s 3rd highest rate of business closures due to Jay Inslee and his government-mandated restrictions.  Inslee’s dismal ranking is based on surveys conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and reported by the Washington Research Council.  Some 26.9% of Washington State businesses have been forced to close due to state orders, while the national average is considerably lower, at 18.7%. The surveys also found that 33.4% of Washington businesses had reduced employee hours, which is fifth highest rate in the country.  (Washington Research Council)

Senator Doug Ericksen (R – Ferndale) says that due to Governor Inslee’s orders and the Democrats’ planned rules voters will be limited in their ability to make their voices heard on bills before the 2021 legislature.  Ericksen noted that lobbyists and special interest groups will still have their access, but the Democrats’ restrictions on remote public testimony and legislative debate will be “draconian.” Ericksen said, “there could be no debate or discussion about the legislation that’s being brought forward. I think it’s really a recipe for disaster. But it’s what we’ve seen from Jay Inslee for the past 10 months, and it’s no longer emergencies, it’s martial law in Washington state.” (MyNorthwest)


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